12 March 2008

Movies, Movies and More Movies

It seems like all I've down the last week has been watch movies (and television shows, but we'll get to that in a minute). The husband and I went to the Chase last week and indulged in some good natured fun in the form of Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day. The plot is basically this: Miss Pettigrew is dimissed from her governess job and desperate to find a new one she intercepts an employment offer but it turns out its for a social secretary not a governess. Silliness and sappiness ensue. It was a pretty cute movie, all feel-good and everything, plus Amy Adams is extremely charming. I recommend it for a good laugh but if you are not feeling like spending a bunch of money to go to the theater definitely worth a rent when it comes out on DVD.

This past Sunday, a friend of mine came over and having made some really delicious dinner (burgers with cheddar cheese inside it and horseradish and also some delicious red velvet cookies), we rented a couple of movies. Yes, rented. Went to Blockbuster and rented. I think its been about a year since I've actually been in a video store. We watched The Ten, a very ridiculous and sometimes midly disturbing movie. Then Monday morning I remained immobile for most of the morning watching Across the Universe. Now, I've heard that people either love this movie or hate it but I'm actually pretty indifferent. It was a visually very pretty and I do love the Beatles and the versions of the songs (at least I thought) were actually quite well done. Maybe I should watch it again and see if I like more the second time around.
But I have to take it back to the store so, hmm...Anywho...

Went to the movies again tonight and saw The Other Boleyn Girl. Not great but not bad, a little intense at some points. And as my friend and I were saying, there's just something about a man with big puffy sleeves. Sigh.

Finally. Finally. Been watching this television show that I remember watching when I was in high school. I'm not going to tell what it is because its a little embarassing but I'm enjoying myself and the really bad acting and so ridiculously overdramaticness of it all, so there.

1 comment:

starrypurplehaze said...

Ohhhhh puffy sleeves. :D