22 September 2008


So. I haven't really written anything of substance in ages. Life goes on. Work sucks big time. But I have proven how invaluable I am to them and unexpectedly got a raise before I should have. Unfortunately, I still have to work opens four or five times a week which is draining on my personal relationships not to mention my health. In the past few months I have been applying for new jobs but for whatever reason have only managed to get one interview. It went really well but its for a part-time only position that would be paying the same amount (or slightly less) than what I'm making now and I'm not sure I can afford to take it if I do get it.

Oh well.

I finally have my weekends to myself which has been nice. Brian and I went to the Soulard farmer's market a couple weeks ago. It was a gorgeous day and we got some really good stuff that we used to make gumbo.

I dyed my hair. I'm a brunette now which I am loving.

Rory and Kate moved away to Oregon last month and although I didn't see them that often when they did live here (damn my crappy schedule!), I'm really missing them but I've been putting off buying plane tickets to go out there and visit them (and also my parents) because I don't know if I can really afford it and I'm waiting to here about this job and if I get it I probably won't be able to take time off. Sigh.

This post is kind of a downer so I'm goint to end it here.

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