...You go to the same coffee shop (or in this case,
tea room) two days in a row and the staff comments on how much more chipper you are than usual.
It was one of those moments that made me realize how much I just need to snap out of it. Sure, some days still suck a lot, but I've got it really good. I have a husband who not only
will take over baby care for a few hours so I can relax, but actually
offers. I got to go out, drink copious amounts of iced tea, eat the largest slice of devil's food cake known to man, and relax in the most comfy armchairs ever manufactured. I would seriously consider breaking in one day just so I could steal these chairs, take them home with me and then park my butt on them for all eternity.
Today, I feel better. Perhaps fueled by caffeine and a maple log from Quik Trip. Perhaps because I went to church for the first time in weeks. Perhaps because I have gotten multiple nights of halfway decent sleep in a row. Or perhaps its just because of this:

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