19 August 2009

Notes from the Last Week

Brian destroyed our $700 camera on Saturday. Okay. Let's back up a bit here. I was scheduled to work that morning but I was having a bad attack of cramps (fun!) so even though I went in, I left early. Went home, napped a little and ate lunch but then Brian wanted to do something. He was convinced that a little walking around would help ease the pain. So we went to the zoo. I only agreed to the crazy plan because I wanted to see the stingrays - plus, it was late enough that I knew we wouldn't have to park too insanely far from the entrance. Well. Brian had the camera bad on his shoulder but he hadn't closed the clasps; so, when he leaned over the tank, the bag popped open and the camera fell into the water. Yeah. After drying it off, we tried turning it on but the battery started smoking. Generally not a good sign when your camera looks like its about to catch fire. Fortunately, past experience has taught us to always buy the accident protection plan so we took it to Best Buy right away and they sent it off for service. If they can't fix it, we get a new camera. Yay!

Oh. And it didn't really help my cramps feel any better. Good news though, the stingrays loved me. There were like six of them at once trying to get me to pet them. Just call me the stingray whisperer!

Slowly, the basement is becoming more habitable. When we were in Charleston, Brian's parents gave us their under cabinet television that didn't work in their new kitchen and we set it up on top of the dressers so now I can have white noise to sleep to. We also purchased new curtains and sheets. The blanket doesn't really match the new stuff, but I have a cunning plan. Actually, it's not that exciting. We have a plain white duvet which we'll put out once it stops being so hot and save the blanket for when the parents are visiting for the air mattress that they claim they are going to purchase. Brian finally cleaned out the other half of the room so its baby furniture ready. Should be arriving in the next week (I hope!)

In pregnancy news: my back is killing me. Seriously. After finishing my ten hour shift on Monday, I thought I wasn't going to be able to move. After a delicious dinner at Crusoe's (we had a coupon!), I came home and hobbled to the couch where I collapsed for fourteen hours. I didn't sleep the entire time, but it was pretty close. My mother sent me a belly belt that - if yesterday is any indication - actually helps take the pressure off my lower back. Unfortunately, I got it after I got home on Monday. Also, I started having some graphic and terrifying dreams about labor and such (I won't disgust you with the details) and let's just say its got me pretty freaked out. Umm...yeah.

Six months as of Monday. If I didn't hate my dinky camera so much I would post a picture but I just don't feel like dealing with that thing right now. Maybe later.

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