06 February 2010

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Wednesday was a good day. Well, sort of. It was good in that Brian and I have made progress in bettering our financial situation. Without going into details because its a bit embarrassing, let's just say that we have managed to accumulate a serious amount of debt and if we wanted to continue with me not working and not drown in a pile of bills, something needed to be done. So, we had a meeting with Homestead Financial (for great mortgage rates call 800-GRANNY-8!) to refinance our house. This is a great time to do it since rates are low - we are currently paying somewhere in the 7 % range which is outrageous - and our house is worth significantly more than what we bought it for. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of ifs involved with this process. We'll save money IF it appraises for the amount we estimated. But at least we're making progress towards financial security.

So. Wednesday was good. Thursday sucked the big one. It started out with being out of syrup so I had to use honey on my waffles. I actually like honey on my waffles, but I was also almost out of honey so there wasn't enough to sufficiently smother them. Then I was planning a trip out to the Target Greatland because they have a big grocery section and its mostly cheaper than Schnuck's. I had wanted to print out some coupons at Brian's office - we don't own a printer - but it required a program to be installed and the network wouldn't let us. So, crappy mood continues. Yes, I recognize that this is some pretty stupid stuff to get upset about. After a somewhat unsuccessful shopping trip I came home feeling dizzy and nauseous and instead of wanting to nap, Lorelei decided she wanted to fuss all afternoon. I was this close to finding a convenient roof to jump off of. And because of my crappy day, I wasn't feeling up to going to the ECM board meeting which just made me feel worse.

I'm hoping that today will be better. Friday was pretty good, but it always seems that after a good day I have an even more horrible one. One step forward, two steps back.

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