18 September 2009

Couldn't Have Said it Better Myself

Normally, I avoid editorials but this article on CNN caught my eye. In essence, it criticizes the self-centered, me-first world we live in. I wish I could have written this. As someone who has worked in various forms of food-service where we basically have to treat every customer as the most important person there and put up with them being anything from rude to downright cruel, I could not agree more. At what point did we decide it was okay to make another person cry (and yes, I have cried on more than one occasion at work) just because something didn't go our way? When did it become okay to look down on someone just because they have a job that you consider demeaning? If no one worked in food service or as a janitor or as a gardner, where would we be? Just because we don't make huge salaries does not make us any less of a person than you. In fact, I'm going to come out and say it, we are more important than you because we keep the world running and make your lives easier. There I said it.

/end rant

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